Hey everyone,
I’ve been working on a mechanic for a side-scrolling platformer that allows the player to walk on walls and ceilings. The idea is to enable the player to seamlessly move and align with nearby surfaces, including both walls and ceilings, as well as corners both inside and outside.
I’ve written the logic for this mechanic, and it’s mostly functional. Essentially, I detect surfaces and align the character mesh accordingly by rotation.
However, I’m encountering a challenge with outward corners. While the character can align to a corner that turns inward, it struggles to navigate outward corners without falling off. I hope this makes sense.
Additionally, my current logic only works effectively on surfaces with perpendicular angles. Smoother changes in angle don’t translate well to how the character is aligned.
So, I have two main questions:
- How can I make the wall sticking mechanic function better around outward corners?
- If you were tackling this mechanic, how would you approach building it?
Thanks for your help!