VR not working in multiplayer (4.12.0)

I have been working on an online ping pong game for the Vive, the basic mechanics are working but when I try playing in multiplayer (dedicated server) I loose the stereoscopic vision. The preview image seems to be stretched across both eyes. I tried to play VR multiplayer on 4.11 and it works fine there. But I am not sure if there is a problem with my game or with UE 4.12.0.
I would like to use 4.12 since it has the VR editor.

Any help is appreciated!

Encounted problems too

I had problems with VR multiplayer too. Have u solve the problom of player index?Currently, My 1st player couldn’t see 2nd players movement.

Same Problem. uncheck ‘Dedicated Server’ and Vive is well played.
but check the option, I will see only white room.

The bug is still there in 4.13.1, has Epic any plan to fix that?