VR Get Hand Position help

Hi everobody!

I have an enemy that i want him to attack my hand in a VR game.
I can’t figure how to get the world vector of my Hand.
It seems to be Local and i can’t use GetWorldLocation because i don’t understand what to Target in…

Can anybody push me in the right direction? my head is in pain.

Thank you

Get the motion controller component, then call “GetComponentLocation” on it it get its world space location.

Thank you for your answer, I can get the motion controller but what to target in? (ERROR!)
(I’m in the event graph on my enemy.)

Ah, it seems there is no “GetComponentLocation” only “GetWorldLocation”.

The only place where i’m able to get my controller location is its BP. But i can’t share that vector values to the enemy BP. (no global variables and i don’t understand what to input to target?)
Sorry about that, i’m new to unreal (only 2 weeks i’m afraid) and i don’t understand the logic very well.
I screen capture can help me a lot.


Within your actor blueprint which contains the motion controller, create a function which returns the motion controller position (as I described). An enemy which wants to know the position of the motion controller for a particular character can just call that function to query the position. The target would be the actor with the motion controller in its components list.

Thank you Slayemin,
It works. I’m starting to understand how to cast things.