Volumetric terrain. Dynamic. Again.

Hey everyone. I’m trying to move towards solving the problem.

There are some questions:

  1. Effective storage voxels. Octree? if the tree is dynamic, it will be a storage optimal? Maybe B-Tree?
  2. Polygonization isosurface. Where it effectively carried out in the UE4? I don’t understand how the rendering engine. After seeing a bunch of demos, I saw a bunch in each file dependencies, something like a “class>bunch of methods>method in bunch of classes>again.”
  3. Collisions. How if using LOD and/or GPU polygonization?

P.S. I’m sorry guys. I’m only on English reading, and writing through google translate. :frowning:

1.you would need a super computer to emulate any voxels process
2.you would need atleast 8gigabytes of ram
3.you would need windows ten with directx12

Thanks for the “constructive” response

Ignore Falconsofts response, as it does not include any valid truth to it. I can’t answer 1 or 3. But for 2. You will want to look through the documentation for Scene Proxy and Vertex Factory, these are the building blocks for passing information to the renderer and subsequently to the Graphics card in UE4. Also you will want to take a look at the InstancedStaticMesh or the new HierarchicalInstancedStaticMesh objects, especially their implementation, the latter maybe a good one to take a look since they store information in a hierarchical fashion to allow for millions of instances at runtime.

Thanks for replies. I found what I needed.