I’ve been following Matt Doyle’s video tutorials on VR walkthroughs and have had success with ‘Adding Viewer Locomotion (part1)’ where he gets you to display a cylinder where you want to teleport to.
However, when I finish his Part2 video I get absolutely no teleporting at all. For some reason the buttons/triggers on my vive just aren’t communicating with UE4.20.3
Can anyone think of any setting which is blocking the buttons on the motion controllers?
When I try in Unity everything works fine as expected, so it doesn’t seem to be a hardware issue.
Many thanks in advance!
Downloaded the preview of 4.21 and the controllers seem to work fine.
Guess this is a 4.20.* only bug?
for clarity - the tutorial still doesn’t work even with 4.21 - what works is the VR template from start-up*
Today’s update.
With 4.20.3 I’ve been unable to get the vive controller inputs to trigger.
With 4.21, the vive controller inputs sometimes work with the VR template but mostly don’t (90% of the time).
Not great for trying to develop a reliable business service. Am I really the only one struggling with this?
Found some repeatable behaviour -
Open a new VR template with vive/steam already running.
Open up the motion controller map.
Set play mode to vr.
Go through all the non-sense of getting the compositor full screen etc.
None of the controller inputs work.
Find the motion controller blueprint while still in play mode. Open it up.
Pause the play.
Resume the play.
Motion controller inputs now work along with teleport and grab.
Stop the play mode.
Restart the play mode.
None of the controller inputs work.
Find the motion controller blueprint while still in play mode. Open it up.
Pause the play.
Resume the play.
Motion controller inputs now work along with teleport and grab.
And so on…
If I was a coder I’d fix this, but unfortunately I’m not. Anyone at Epic want to have a go?