Very Simple Item System and Menu

Hello to Everyone,
i basically need to create a very simple ITEM System blue print for an Adventure graphic game.
In the game the player don’t need to drop or drag the “stored” Item… the item will be automatically used when the player will click at specific object
( like door and key … if you have the key the door will open otherwise won’t )
So… is there a simple way to learn “HOW TO” do this for a NOT PROGRAMMER guy like me ( i’m just a 3D graphic designer ).

Simple like…

  1. pickup object ( i already know how to interact with object using the INTERFACE blueprint )
  2. “store” in a blueprint if you have or not an " ITEM "
  3. Create a simple HUD with stored ITEM and place the last taken in the first FREE SLOT

THANK YOU VERY MUCH IN ADVANCE TO ALL OF YOU ( and sorry for my bad english )

This kind of system is very common and well explained if you search around for it. For example.