Very Large Map (6400 KM x 6400 km) feasability

As the title suggests, I wonder if is it possible. I am looking to start development on a world which I will either use for a game or animation (not decided yet) and I want to simulate as closely as possible the feeling of a Pangaea-like supercontinent (I know… very original) and I would like to know if it is possible to have a 6400 km by 6400 km world for a total 40.960.000 km^2 or roughly four times the size of Europe. Obviously, I am not looking to load ALL of the landscape in one huge chunk but I would like to keep it as open-world as possible. I know it will be huge, I know it will take me a lot of time, and that it is a very difficult thing to do, so I am not really looking for that kind of feedback, rather simply I want to know the actual technical feasibility of having such a map, at this size, divided in chunks. Thank you very much for your time in advance for any constructive feedback and/or suggestions.

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