Vehicle wheels don't collide with the road

Hello guys! I hope this is the right section for asking a help in my case.

I’m currently working on my project - a game with a top down view with a car in the main role. I decided to use the wheeled vehicle BP for the car and made a mesh in Blender. I started it as a blank blueprint project with started content.
I’ve followed the official vehicle setup guides and some youtube videos, I faced some troubles but finally fixed everything exept one last thing.

When i press ‘‘Play’’ button, the wheels of the car are going through the floor, and only the main collision box of the car (created on a root bone) is working fine.
I believe that i checked and re-checked many things over and over again, including the positioning, rotation, pivot points and other stuff. I also tried to google it, but still I have no idea how to fix it. Everything seems fine to me exept these wheels.

Here are the gallery of screenshots of various settings. I’ve been trying to change them, even with and without ‘‘auto adjust collision size’’ option in front and back wheels blueprints and other stuff.

There is also a video on youtube that clearly shows my problem:Unreal Engine 4 - Vehicle wheel collision problem - YouTube
Thanks in advice!

to me it looks like the root bone/pivot for the vehicle is not at 0,0,0 thats the most common cause for your issue

Thank you Geodav, the problem was that i didn’t put the root bone at 0,0,0