Vehicle collisions for morpher target damage model?

Hey all,

I’m giving up. I tried to get this one figured out on my own and I read all the available documentation, but I really do need help.

I’m trying to get a morpher-based damage system for my vehicle going.

Right now, I have a vehicle set up that is basically following the UE4 example vehicles.

I have all the blueprints, physics asset etc. set up correctly and it’s driving just fine. The morpher targets also do work excellent in the morpher preview.

In a nutshell, my car consists of:

  • root aka “chassis”
  • 4 wheels linked to the chassis in max
  • fenders, bumpers, doors etc. as seperate objects, linked to “root” in max

Now when I create collision in the physics asset, I can create it seperately for all the objects and then keep the car functioning as a whole by using constraints.

If, however, I try to generate collision events “OnComponentHit” from the blueprint, all those separate collision objects count as one - in other words, when I try to use the “actual” collision mesh for my vehicle, there is no way for me to address a specific morpher target because the actual car collision counts as ONE component with only ONE hit-event to send out (which would then morph the entire car, no matter where the collision took place).

Now instead, I’ve tried to add collision components in the blueprint - just simple boxes around fenders, bumpers etc., so I could use those to generate my hit events.

But - they just won’t collide properly (or at all), no matter what settings I use.

Now: is there a way to get those collision components to collide? Or can I just somehow generate OnHit events from the different collision boxes of the physics asset?

I mean, they’re already there and in place so it would really make sense to use them.

Or is my approach wrong entirely and there’s a much more simple solution that I’m just unaware of?

Thank all of you for your answers!!!

I’m looking into this now as well. Did you find anything out, or give up?

I’m attaching bumpers, ect, via sockets. I was trying to setup collision per piece, and it works against projectiles and the character outside the vehicle, then they get ignored when you posses it, as you said. It only counts as one, which is by design it sounds like.

I am talking about this in part of a new thread, if you’re interested, or anyone else is… hopefully we can figure something out… there must be a way??


might come up with a solution soon which I’ll be more than willing to share.

Stay tuned!

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