Hey all,
I’m giving up. I tried to get this one figured out on my own and I read all the available documentation, but I really do need help.
I’m trying to get a morpher-based damage system for my vehicle going.
Right now, I have a vehicle set up that is basically following the UE4 example vehicles.
I have all the blueprints, physics asset etc. set up correctly and it’s driving just fine. The morpher targets also do work excellent in the morpher preview.
In a nutshell, my car consists of:
- root aka “chassis”
- 4 wheels linked to the chassis in max
- fenders, bumpers, doors etc. as seperate objects, linked to “root” in max
Now when I create collision in the physics asset, I can create it seperately for all the objects and then keep the car functioning as a whole by using constraints.
If, however, I try to generate collision events “OnComponentHit” from the blueprint, all those separate collision objects count as one - in other words, when I try to use the “actual” collision mesh for my vehicle, there is no way for me to address a specific morpher target because the actual car collision counts as ONE component with only ONE hit-event to send out (which would then morph the entire car, no matter where the collision took place).
Now instead, I’ve tried to add collision components in the blueprint - just simple boxes around fenders, bumpers etc., so I could use those to generate my hit events.
But - they just won’t collide properly (or at all), no matter what settings I use.
Now: is there a way to get those collision components to collide? Or can I just somehow generate OnHit events from the different collision boxes of the physics asset?
I mean, they’re already there and in place so it would really make sense to use them.
Or is my approach wrong entirely and there’s a much more simple solution that I’m just unaware of?
Thank all of you for your answers!!!