Vehicle Based Multiplayer (LAN)

So the character class works great for multiplayer but I want to create a none character based player. I want to create a vehicle based multiplayer. What are the basic concepts for this? Which BP class works the best and is a smooth multiplayer experience possible without coding the hard stuff by myself?

Btw I only want to use Blueprints, no c++

Hi, what you can do with blueprints is replicate the movement from the server and do the movement logic on the server and the owning client (to have direct reaction to the input). So send the player input via RPC to the server and do the movement logic on server and owning client.

But as far as I know, you can’t do network smoothing with blueprints.

Thats what I’m currently doing but there is a rubber band effect where the server sets the transform for the client while the client already moves to a new position. The result is an extremely laggy movement.

Do you execute your movement logic on server and client, so not only on the server?
Other thing you can change is increase the precision of what the server replicates.


But since you don’t have smoothing, it will always be worse than what character movement does. So if you would be serious about this, you would need C++ (but since I don’t know C++ I can’t help you there).

For example the client moves 10cm forward, then the server sets the new transform but now the server sets also again the transform for the original client to 10cm but in the meantime the client is already at 15cm.

Can I replicate the movement from the client to the server to all other clients and excluding the original client from the replication?

That would be why you would execute the logic on server and owning client. Of course even if you execute the logic on server and owning client they will come to different results when the player changes his input drastically (handbrake), since the server would know about this only after the owning client.

I don’t think you can do this in blueprints.