UTexture2D passes value between blueprint and C ++ Error

class SZMUEDESIGN_API UMyBPFLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = " vc library")
static bool BLGetPartTexture(const UTexture2D* texture, UTexture2D* newTexture2D, const FVector2D rectStartPoint, const float rectWidth, const float rectHeight);

bool UMyBPFLibrary::BLGetPartTexture(const UTexture2D* texture, UTexture2D* newTexture2D, const FVector2D rectStartPoint, const float rectWidth, const float rectHeight)
   if (!texture->IsValidLowLevel())
      //If used, delete the original object


Function:Intercept the texture of the specified rectangular area and return to newTexture2D。

I passed in a texture map from the blueprint and specified the data for segmentation. C ++ prompts wrong parameters.
Questions are as follows:

  1. How to transfer UTexture2D from blueprint?
  2. Because Utexture2D needs to set properties in order to access pixel by pixel. For example CompressionSettings. How should this be achieved?
    3.If the texture2D object is released for new creation?