Hey there,
so I’m trying to setup some Audio/Volume Settings and I know that a good way to do this is to use the SoundClasses.
I have 4 of them “Main, Music, SFX and Announcer”. While Main is the Parent of the other 3.
Now I have 3 places at which I use this node (together with the Push node).
One place is when loading the Settings (4 floats from a SaveGame) when the GameInstance inits.
Second place is when opening the Options and setting the Slider values from the Options.
And third place is when moving the Sliders in the Options menu.
So the problem is that I don’t really get how to use that properly with sounds that are also getting spawned runtime.
For example: My MainMenu has Background music. That Sound files has the Music SoundClass.
On INIT in the GameInstance, setting the Overrides, and afterwards starting/spawning the Music, doesn’t have affect on the music.
It seems like I need to have the sound already active to let the override take effects.
Now spawned sounds just ignore the override.
What is the proper way of applying the override for all future sounds that come up?
Because for SFX (explisions etc), it would always just ignore the sound volume, since they are spawned after the override.