Hello family,
Loving the new upgrade and site hope to get time to be more active.
I know I am a noob but just learning it all and slowly getting things down.
Recently was able to get my live link face working and animations retarget to the character that I will be using for a live talk show.
I use character creator/clone stuff and want to use some of the animation and trigger with commands and hotkeys possible work up to big midi controllers.
Been following tutorials and trying to think logically and not have a solution
In short, I want to use the animations that I have in my bucket with the hotkey and not affect the head/face for performances.
For example, want to do a backflip or change idle animations.
Was trying to do something fancy with animation montages like 4 idles every click triggers a new idle to keep fresh but honestly just want one trigger at a time.
Please let me know if you have any advice or questions and posted a video below that will have a better overview of what I am trying to accomplish.