Hi, I have a custom HUD in the editor, I have had to change how I do this in 4.13, and am having problems…
I have a widget, and every tick it updates. What I want to do is update the displayed value, but it seems to be creating a new SOverlay every tick, and killing my fps. Where am i going wrong here? How can I clear the baseWidget
and rebuild it, every tick? OR, just update the value in the STextBlock?
FLevelEditorModule& LevelEditor = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FLevelEditorModule>(TEXT("LevelEditor"));
TSharedPtr<ILevelViewport> LViewport = LevelEditor.GetFirstActiveViewport();
TSharedRef<SWidget> baseWidget = SNew(SOverlay)
+ SOverlay::Slot()
//Colored Background
// Image for BG
.Font(FSlateFontInfo("Veranda", 20))