UnrealPak "differs only by case" error in Cook under UE4.13


A simple question really; we’ve got a mobile/scalable C++ UE project which we would like to build/cook/package for both Win64 and Linux. However, during Cooking it fails with the “file only differs by case” error (I changed the path slightly, it’s an NDA project):

BuildCommand.Execute: ERROR: BUILD FAILED
Program.Main: ERROR: Exception in AutomationScripts.Automation: Staging manifest already contains /ProjectPath/myproject.uproject (or a file that differs in case only)

Now, to fix this for Linux I made the .uproject name lowercase, but now, the Win64 version won’t build (same error). It seems, if I use the name “Myproject.uproject”, then Linux fails. If I rename it to “myproject.uproject”, Win64 fails…

How do I properly fix this? Should it be trying to include the “.uproject” anyway?


Hey -

Which version of Clang are you using to cross compile? Are you using x86 or ARM to cross compile? Please follow the steps listed here: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums to ensure that your computer is setup for cross compiling. Additionally, let me know if the information in Samantha Sutton’s answer here: UE4 not leting me pack the project with the "Use Pak File" option on - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums helps. Specifically the part about “For the lettercasing, you’d make sure that your project name, map names, etc match what show up in the .ini files.” If you are still unable to package, please provide the full logs for additional information.


Hey ,

Thanks for getting back to me.

As per that first link, we’re using clang v7/3.7.0 as we’re on UE 4.13 (I used that guide to set the source-build project up in the first place). We’re targetting Linux-x86_64 (and for local debugging, Windows/x64).

I’ll take a look at the second link, thanks for that. I’m not sure why the complaint would be about the “.uproject” though; there is a reference to the project name in the DefaultGame.ini as “ProjectName=Myprojectname”, but I’m not sure it’s that as making the “Myprojectname.uproject” file itself lowercase fixes it (whereas that INI file is upper case).

Interestingly, building via RunUAT in TeamCity works for both platforms. Locally packaging via UnrealFrontEnd fails with the casing error, as does the Editor “Package Project”. It’s beginning to seem like a command-line options issue rather than config/INI files, perhaps.

I’ll dig out some logs; sorry for not including them before, but with my attempts to fix the problem I’ve overwritten a few and lost others.
