This isn’t technically game-play, but the only C++ forum here, so here it goes.
I setup an animation modifier BP which works great. If I reparent this BP to a new C++ class whose super is UAnimationModifier, the BP’s Compiler Results pane complains about:
But this ISN’T a runtime BP, and I’m not sure how to tell Unreal this is an editor-only blueprint which is what UAnimationModifier objects are.
I’m using Unreal v4.25, and my subclass header looks like this - which is what Unreal gave me.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "AnimationModifier.h"
#include "MyAnimationModifier.generated.h"
class ABC_API UMyAnimationModifier : public UAnimationModifier
This problem persists regardless if the UCLASS() macro has BlueprintType or Blueprintable passed in.
I’ve also tried adding a virtual function IsEditorOnly() which returns true - still no cigar.
I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of time on this and I’m about to throw in the towel, but I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction.