Unreal Source offline

Hi all. The computer i use for UE4 is unable to access the internet for the time being.

Previously, I have been downloading UE4 and updates on my laptop via the launcher, and copying them across to my PC. But I was getting sick of the launcher loading every time I opened my project so I uninstalled the launcher.

Now I can’t open my projects as the engine was installed in the launcher folder.

What I want to know is.

Can i download the latest source and run the setup.bat to download the files on my laptop, and copy that entire folder onto my PC and have everything work ok?

Cheers all!

As long as everything that is needed to build the engine is downloaded… It should work just fine.

Yep, I’ve ran the setup which grabs all the prerequisites online. That downloades them to the engine folder right? Not some other location?

I do believe that is correct… But I’m not 100% sure.
For I always move it from a Linux computer to another linux.

So I never have to deal with the launcher when building… But that sounds like it should work. (Or at least it won’t hurt to try.)

Yeah it does work. I was able to download the source and assets, compile on one computer and copy that to another and it runs fine.

Only problem I have no is that on my currently offline computer, Visual Studio 2015 wont let me do anything cos its trying to grab my user credentials. Its a royal pain in the ***.