I just got UE4 installed on my system and created a simple First Person Code project which worked fine. I then updated some of my environment variables for Android just to ensure that UE4 detected my Android installation, now when I start Unreal Project Browser it freezes every few seconds and runs my CPU at 13% (I have a Core i7 3770K). It was working great when it worked, but now it doesn’t even want to let me create a project without holding up every few seconds.
I actually just finished doing that , it seems that after removing those Environment Variables the program is now running like normal. I might try adding them back in one by one and see which one causes the crash a bit later tonight. Thanks for the help!
There’s a chance that this is related to our device detection code, which runs every 5 seconds. This needs to be made asynchronous, but currently isn’t. I’ve never seen it have this severe of a performance hit though.
You could confirm if this is the issue by temporarily renaming adb.exe within your Android SDK directory:
Sorry for the late answer! I just tried renaming the adb.exe and the problem goes away. As soon as I rename it back to adb.exe it once again hangs every few seconds, even with my SGS4 plugged in.
Ok. This is a known issue that I’m working on a fix for. In the mean time, I’d suggest renaming adb until you actually need to work on device. I realize this isn’t ideal, but it should make the editor more tolerable for now. If you feel like recompiling the source, you can also change the polling frequency. Look for 5 in AndroidTargetPlatform.inl.
Would you mind posting the devices you’re working with? Does the issue go away if adb isn’t renamed, but the device is unplugged?
I’m working with a Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4 on Android 4.2.2. When I first noticed the issue though the device was not plugged in, it does the same thing if the device is attached or not attached. The only thing that seems to fix it is renaming the adb.exe or removing the environment variables all together.