Unreal engine to slow on c++?

Is this normal? Like everytime I create a new c++ project. It takes like almost 15mins to start the engine and VS then another 15mins or more for the Scanning of files in Visual studio 2013? Is this even normal? Sometimes It hangs and becomes unresposive. I have to manually close it through task manager.

I have 8g ram
4g Graphics

AMD 6300 processor.

Long scanning time in VS is a VS fault, which was said to be resolved in the future (probably VS 2015). Anyway, creating new project is not something that have to be blazingly fast imho.

Im not really sure. Ive use Unity before and I must say that the loading times of unity is soo much faster. I’m not even sure when are they going to support VS2015.

Thats because in Unity you dont have attached full Project with source code for the Engine… With that, you can easily debug the code, see how everything is done for yourself and “borrow ;)” some code from there. You can even change and recompile the Editor and whole Engine for your own, with a little preparation. That comes with a cost of huge project with thousands of classed that have to be cached to your Intellisense. This is obviously much better solution for programmers in the long run.