Unreal Engine latest release number

Hi all,

I’m new to Unreal Engine and I couldn’t find an answer to my question, hope this place is fine to ask it.

I’m a bit confused about latest UE release number. In most video tutorials and documentation articles they all mention things like “this feature is available since 4.7 UE version” etc. I could see youtube tutorials recorded in 2015 of how to install UE and there was 4.8 available for installation in top-left corner of Epic Launcher. On the other hand in Releases forum I can see that the last update has number like 4.11.2:

When I downloaded the launcher I also have 4.11.* available.

Could anyone please explain it to me?
How can I install 4.9 Unreal Engine? If not, then am I able to use features that according to the documentations were introduced with 4.8 release while I have 4.11 installed?

I’ll be grateful for your input.


It might be confusing for some people thinking that version 4.11 has been released after 4.1 and before 4.2 but it’s not true. 4 is the number of the engine, number after a dot is a version of the engine and the number after another dot is a hotfix version. So version numbers are subsequent so they can go on and on until epic decide to change engine so much to give it number 5. So right now version 4.11.2 is the latest one and is superior to 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10. For beginners the best way is to install the latest version of the engine and really don’t care about previous ones.

YES you can use feature from 4.8 in 4.11. 4.11 is the latest release with 4.12 releasing soon. I think you might be misreading the version number the 11 stands for eleven

I think you can get the older engine version by using “add another version” option, But I have never tried.

The latest version is best, Unless there is a bug in it breaking a feature of a “obscure” feature has been removed (I recall some kinda material domain option was removed because it was non-optimal or something)

versions are:

4.11 is not the same as 4.1.1
If there is a feature that was introduced with 4.8 then it’s also in 4.11, because 4.11 is newer.