Unreal editor 4.11.1 crashes on start up

For almost 2 months now I have been periodically trying to get my editor up and running - I am trying the run the Unreal Tournament editor for the new project and once it gets to about 94% loading, I get a bug report!!! It worked in the past, and one day decided to crash on me. The report I get is pretty generic and it says something along the lines of:

An unreal process has crashed: UE4-UnrealTournament

“We are very sorry that a crash has occurred. Our goal is to prevent crashes like this from occurring in the future […]”

I had been submitting the report for over a month now and still received no reply. Please help me find out why this has happened. If there is any information you require or files to be sent through - please let me know and I will send them immediately.

Thank you

Hi syphous_fiend,

  • Can you post your dxdiag here so I can take a look?
  • What steps are you taking to open the UT editor?
  • Have you managed to actually open the UT project in the editor? If so, when it crashed can you post the crash logs here? They can be found at Unreal Tournament\UnrealTournamentEditor\UnrealTournament\Saved\Logs
  • Have you tried verifying your editor build by going to Launcher>Unreal Tournament>Create>Dropdown menu>verify? This will check your engine build to ensure no files are damaged/missing and repair/replace them as needed.

Hi syphous_fiend,

We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.

Hi , I sincerely apologize for the late reply. I was away for an unexpected work trip - I start the editor in the epic launcher and yes I have verified recently. All my logs appear to be from several months ago and not recently, so I will set it up to crash again and see if it makes another log.
Thank you, and sorry again for the late reply.

[link text]1

attached is the dxdial text file

In your editor, do you have any custom content? When did this error start occurring?

i do have some custom meshes and textures but that’s it. I honestly don’t have a reason as to why it started doing it. It just started one day - I had used the program a fair bit up and til this occurred.

What was the last thing added before the crashes started occurring? If you could, try navigating to your Unreal Tournament editor filepath \Unreal Tournament\UnrealTournamentEditor\UnrealTournament\Content and move your custom content out of the project, then re-open the project and see if it opens. If it does, start adding content back in until it receives the crash again, it will take some time but this is helpful in determining what is causing the crash you are seeing, or eliminating content as the source of the crash.

I deleted all the content, reverified, reupdated to 4.11 and still the same issue. I dont think it was related to the fact that I had put something on there, because the last thing i remember doing was uploading my map to the internet and playing around with it in the editor. I didnt add any content to it at that stage, it just stopped working.

If you remove your map do you see the same thing? I haven’t been able to reproduce this on my end thus far. Do you get any errors just trying to open the start up map?

I completely cleared out every custom piece of content and it still did it. I gave up, uninstalled everything and started from scratch and its working fine now - thanks for all the help mate its really appreciated but it seemed the bug was going no where with my system

Hi syphous_fiend,

I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you experience this error again, please comment here and I’ll be happy to take another look.