Unable to package content for the IOS

I have got a game built for the IOS , but when i try to package it it endgs up giving me an error .
I tried to change it between shipping and development but still nothing.
In the supported platforms it is set to IOS.
What could possibly be the problem?
Thank you.

Howdy Ash1029,

Would you be able to post this issue on our AnswerHub? You can find our AnswerHub by using this link: https://answers.unrealengine.com/index.html.

If you could also use this template on ‘How to report a bug’ I will be able to look into as soon as possible. Here is a link to that post: How do I report a bug? - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

Any additional information you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day!

Are you working on an Apple machine? You can’t make a game for iOS using a different OS. Same goes for Windows.

Documentation says otherwise. In fact it even defaults to the Windows instructions. Granted you can only deploy Blueprint-based projects.