UMG Widget not ticking in stand alone

The only time a widget should stop ticking would be when you pause the game. So, something like an in-game pause menu that does “Set game paused” or a console command of slomo 0 would make it so your widget stops ticking.

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

I’m having an issue with a specific widget blueprint. It doesn’t tick in stand alone. This is leading to other problems, but basically no blueprint within it is executing but only when I launch standalone. I’ve connected a “print” string to the output of the “tick” event, and am getting nothing.

Every other blueprint appears to be functioning correctly.

Has anyone else seen similar? Have any ideas?

Yeah, definitely not the case. The world is still ticking behind the widget.

OK So this seems very similar to another issue I had here.

In this case, I have an interface on the general HUD class. I’m using the HUD base class to manage adding and removing widgets from the scene. The child widget had a reference to the generic “player controller → HUD ->” and then I was calling a function from the interface in the HUD. Evidently, the child didn’t like this (which is weird… I’m doing this in a bunch of places).

To fix it, I removed all HUD references from the child widget, and instead created an event dispatcher, which the HUD listens for. After deleting the reference to the interface & HUD, the widget would tick again.

Anyway, I hope this is useful in case someone else hits a similar issue.