UMG Scale and Texture on iPhone


I am working on a iOS game (mainly for iPhone 6). I have tested my game and works great on editor previewer. When setting up the UMG, I always used iPhone 6 landscape as the size to layout my content in UMG.

However, I just import the build to my iPhone for the first time tonight. The scale and possible seems wrong. Also, there are many images that doesn’t render correctly (just white and black).

iPhone Version - Scale and position are offset. Some images are broken.

The correct scale and position in UMG editor:

More broken images:

What it should look like in editor preview:

Am I missing anything here? Sorry… I am new to the engine and the mobile development. Please help me with this!

I actually found the solution for both problems I had.

  1. Use DPI and Mobile Scale Factor fix the position issue.
  2. Have to make sure every sprite has size power or 2.

Thank you :slight_smile: