UMG - Save float values from a slider to a button ( morph target values )

Hi all,

I have many morph targets on my character currently connected to a slider ( Chubby, skinny, big arms, and so on ) but I would like to have the possibility to save some of those morph target values to a button as a kind of “preset”, meaning a mix of some of those sliders, so as soon as the button is clicked I have, for example, a chubby guy with big arms.
I also would like the slider values to change automatically at the same time the button is clicked, but that can be used further to adjust/add the values using the slider itself.

Attached you’ll find how currently the slider is set to control the morph target, could you please help me out on how to solve this issue?


Create struct that holds all your morphs, (just a list of float values, for all morphs)
Create variable that holds “current” morph state.
Create array of morph states

Then when you press button to remember morph state, add copy of variable with morphs to that array of morphs.
Remeber last index in array, create button in hud that will retrieve value from array and set variable state to it.