Alright, here goes…
I’m almost certain this has been answered somewhere before, but I can’t seem to figure it out. I’m fairly new to UE4 & game development in general, so it may just be my own ignorance at fault here. What i’m trying to achieve is fairly simple, I would like to “at the same time” be able to use the mouse & gamepad interchangeably to “in effect” change the color of a button or it’s contained text “For example: in a main menu”. I have managed to achieve this change with “hovered” perfectly fine using the mouse itself, & I can use a sequence with a variable to fake the same effect for a gamepad. However trying to do both at the same time has resulted in neither working forcing me to choose one or the other… So I guess I have a few questions instead of just one. And they are “is there a way to have both work simultaneously?” If not “Is anything being done to change this?” If so “Can someone please explain the process to me or link me to material that explains this?” Otherwise “Is there any way I can request that someone adds this functionality or an equivalent?”