I have a UMG blueprint which has like 4 buttons and 4 text blocks for each button, but now I tried to add more and anything I do doesn’t update… even if I remove the whole event graph it works fine and everything else that I try to add or remove in that blueprint.
Like it doesn’t really compile it or something, IDK …
Take note where you try to add the new elements. Some things cannot be added ontop of other things if there are already stuff present.
Try and drop it on the top level (canvas) n see if it appears.
This is most likely a case of already having components on the canvas that doesnt allow more of that same kind.
Post a screenshot and explanation of what you trying to add.
That’s it … and I succeed on adding more buttons and things before.
that’s just now that I cannot do any changes to it.
In the blueprint itself I can change it, but then in the game it doesn’t change… I tried to compile a thousand times and save it and it doesn’t work.
Not sure what you added.
Are you trying to add more buttons and they dont appear? In the viewport or in UMG?
Lol, It wasn’t the right blueprint, I made a backup copy(cloned it) and I forgot, thanks anyway ! hehe.
It happens.
Here in SA we have this saying. EISH, or ESh. Yesterday i was working on a BP and the value it would return was ESh.
Eventually after googling UE4 ESh output i just thought Epic is taunting me. That somehow they coded into the engine that if you from SA and there is an error it wont say error. it would say Esh.
Took me an hour to figure out ESh was in fact the substring for a component mesh. Needless to say i felt extremely stupid.
All I can say is Eish … 8-p