UE5 Substepping

Hey guys, I’m a newbie in ue5, and I’m experimenting a physics problem. I’m trying to do a mass that moves with simple armonic motion attached to a spring, so basically using Hooke law to define the force to add to the mass every tick.
The simulation is working good until I go below 30 FPS, so I’ve seen to use substepping.
I don’t understand with which criteria I should choose the Max Substep Delta Time parameter. I want that the simulation works down to 5 FPS, and It is good with a Max Substep Delta Time between 0.2 and 1. What should I choose?
On ue docs it says that the smaller the max sub-step time the more stable your simulation will be but at a greater CPU cost, so I’ll leave at 1?
If not why should I use 0.2?