UE5 One Shadow in a scene behaves very weird

One shadow in a scene behaves really weird and it bugs me quite a bit. As you see on a screenshot I have 2 objects that supposed to drop one consistent shadow, BUT…the shadow is devided. it happens when I increase Source Radius of a spotlight (or any kind of light if I try to soften a shadow). One object gets more influence of encreased Source Radius and another doesn’t seem to get any until the numbers are very high and the shadows around are almost disapear. If I drop down Source Radius close to 0 shadow of an object that dosen’t seem to be influensed by increasing Source Radius gets pixalated. I used “r.Shadow.Virtual.ResolutionLodBiasLocal -0.8” and pixlated effect is gone BUT the shadow remains inconsistent. one part is softer and another is sharper which gives wrong feel. But if i replace needed object with a default cube and place instead every shing bahaves as it should. I am confused and i need help.