UE5 MacOS build Oculus Quest 2 Error use VR template

LogPlayLevel: > Task :app:ueCompleteDebug
LogPlayLevel: BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 12s
LogPlayLevel: 59 actionable tasks: 6 executed, 53 up-to-date
LogPlayLevel: Writing symbols to /Users/autop/Documents/Unreal Projects/p1/Binaries/Android/p1_Symbols_v1/p1-arm64/libUnreal.so
LogPlayLevel: ====04/20/2022 15:04:36====COMPLETED MAKE APK=======================================================================
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: com.epicgames.p1
LogPlayLevel: Did not find a bind listener
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: com.epicgames.p1
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: 1
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: com.epicgames.p1
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: com.epicgames.p1
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: 1
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: com.epicgames.p1
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: com.epicgames.p1
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: 1
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: com.epicgames.p1
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: com.epicgames.p1
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: 1
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: com.epicgames.p1
LogPlayLevel: Running: /Users/autop/Library/Android/sdk//platform-tools/adb -s 1WMHHA625L1393 install -r “/Users/autop/Documents/Unreal Projects/p1/Binaries/Android/p1-arm64.apk”
LogPlayLevel: Performing Streamed Install
LogPlayLevel: Success
LogPlayLevel: Took 14.434199000000001s to run adb, ExitCode=0
LogPlayLevel: Attempting to connect to file server [USB]
LogPlayLevel: Not connected, attempting to start file server
LogPlayLevel: Did not find a bind listener
LogPlayLevel: Trying again
LogPlayLevel: Did not find a bind listener
LogPlayLevel: Warning: WARNING: Failed to start Android file server for com.epicgames.p1, skipping deploy for 1WMHHA625L1393
LogPlayLevel: ********** DEPLOY COMMAND COMPLETED **********
LogPlayLevel: ********** RUN COMMAND STARTED **********
LogPlayLevel: Starting Client…
LogPlayLevel: Running: /Users/autop/Library/Android/sdk//platform-tools/adb -s 1WMHHA625L1393 shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi
LogPlayLevel: Took 0.025065s to run adb, ExitCode=0
LogPlayLevel: GetPackageInfo ReturnValue: com.epicgames.p1
LogPlayLevel: Running Package@Device:com.epicgames.p1@1WMHHA625L1393
LogPlayLevel: Running: /Users/autop/Library/Android/sdk//platform-tools/adb -s 1WMHHA625L1393 logcat -c
LogPlayLevel: Took 0.034874s to run adb, ExitCode=0
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Deploy Task, Time: 76.511902
LogPlayLevel: Running: /Users/autop/Library/Android/sdk//platform-tools/adb -s 1WMHHA625L1393 shell am start -n com.epicgames.p1/com.epicgames.unreal.GameActivity
LogPlayLevel: Starting: Intent { cmp=com.epicgames.p1/com.epicgames.unreal.GameActivity }
LogPlayLevel: Took 0.052469999999999996s to run adb, ExitCode=0
LogPlayLevel: Running: /Users/autop/Library/Android/sdk//platform-tools/adb -s 1WMHHA625L1393 logcat -d -s UE debug Debug DEBUG
LogPlayLevel: --------- beginning of system
LogPlayLevel: --------- beginning of main
LogPlayLevel: --------- beginning of crash
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.947 15143 15143 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.947 15143 15143 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: ‘oculus/hollywood/hollywood:10/QQ3A.200805.001/24721900527300000:user/release-keys’
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : Revision: ‘0’
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : ABI: ‘arm64’
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2022-04-20 15:07:40+0800
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : pid: 15112, tid: 15112, name: om.epicgames.p1 >>> com.epicgames.p1 <<<
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : uid: 10124
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : x0 0000007a865b58f0 x1 0000000000000081 x2 000000007fffffff x3 0000000000000000
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : x4 0000000000000000 x5 0000000000000000 x6 0000000000000000 x7 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : x8 0000000000000000 x9 9a9b43f8db88d48f x10 00000000000000e0 x11 0000000000000000
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : x12 0000007b76ea8000 x13 0000000000000008 x14 fffffffffc000000 x15 0000000000000080
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : x16 0000007b74a631d0 x17 0000007b74a01060 x18 0000007b77c7e000 x19 0000007a73e52bf0
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : x20 0000007a73de8338 x21 0000007b7833c470 x22 0000007b7842b000 x23 0000007b770a1020
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : x24 0000007b7833b735 x25 0000007b74a674c8 x26 0000007b7842b000 x27 0000000000000001
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : x28 0000007b7842b8f8 x29 0000007fc3b07ef0
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : sp 0000007fc3b07ef0 lr 0000007a73de7624 pc 0000000000000000
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG :
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : backtrace:
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0000000000000000
LogPlayLevel: 04-20 15:07:40.948 15143 15143 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0000000000093620 /data/app/com.epicgames.p1–eiL4YBrLxt5SpDOe0IfPA==/lib/arm64/libc++_shared.so (BuildId: 6e8a2cc265a0f94db25dde860981c546dca61a70)
LogPlayLevel: --------- beginning of tracking
LogPlayLevel: Took 0.133265s to run adb, ExitCode=0
LogPlayLevel: Running: /Users/autop/Library/Android/sdk//platform-tools/adb -s 1WMHHA625L1393 logcat -d
LogPlayLevel: Took 0.125588s to run adb, ExitCode=0
LogPlayLevel: ********** RUN COMMAND COMPLETED **********
LogPlayLevel: AutomationTool executed for 0h 1m 32s
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Run Task, Time: 3.034545
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Post Launch Task, Time: 0.000006
LogPlayLevel: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=0 (Success)
LogPlayLevel: Launch On Completed. Time: 94.487251
LogDerivedDataCache: /Users/autop/Library/Application Support/Epic/UnrealEngine/Common/DerivedDataCache: Maintenance finished in +00:00:00.284 and deleted 0 file(s) with total size 0 MiB.

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hello, Have you finished this problem?? If you solve this problem, can you tell me how to solve this problem??