UE5: Failed to save a file when I do Save All

Hi, I am learning to use UE5 for the first time. I have been at it for 4 weeks (not full time).

There is this error that I got 3 times in the past few days and all I am doing is just scuplting the landscape that I created. I am using landscape layers.

The problem happens when I do a Save All (zipping the folder each time so I don’t restart from start when this happens). It starts to save then about 75% done, this popup appears:
The asset ‘/Game/ExternalActors/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap/4/2D/…’ (xxxxxx) failed to save.

Of all three times that it happened, its always the same object but I cannot guarantee if the … and xxxx are always the same.

I only have 3 options: Cancel, Retry and Continue.

Retry fails on the same file.

Continue just skips it but then later on I am pretty sure I will have the problem again on the next Save All.

So the only option is to click Cancel and reload my last backup of before this happened.

It always happens when I am sculpting my landscape but not at the same place. It happens aprox 1:30-2h after working on my landscape.

Is this a known bug? Is there a fix for it? Or do I have to live with it until there is a fix?

It happened again just now. The full asset location is not the same. Only this part is the same ‘/Game/ExternalActors/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap/’ whatever comes after is not the same each time.

I’ve never encountered this before, but if I had to guess I would say you either deleted something that was referenced somewhere else or you didn’t compile something.

As I am still working on the landscape (about the only thing I did so far after creating my textures and materials), it is not finished.

If I do a map check there are no errors.

I thought building was only when we had completed the landscape (at the minimum).

What building options should I do?