Hello, when I make a copy of the UE 5.2 project on another hard drive, when I start the project again I lose the changes made. I have tried deactivating Live Coding but not if that is the problem. Please someone give me a solution. . Thank you
Greetings @LumagosBad69
Welcome to the Unreal Engine Forums! In regards to the issue, can you provide the steps you’re taking to transfer the files over? Are you copying just the uproject file, the entire folder, etc? I’d recommend creating a backup each time with the old files in case you need to revert. Copy and paste that entire folder somewhere for safe keeping. When you’re moving your new files over from your other hard drive make sure that it’s in a clean folder. (Make sure you’re not leaving Config, Saved, Intermediate folders in your old location. You want to transfer all of those over with the new build and ensure none of the old ones are still there) Let me know if this fixes it for you.
Thanks for the answer, I copy the project from the unreal directory, copying the entire project folder from Windows Explorer to another drive from C: to E: with the unreal editor closed, and the strange thing is that when opening the project again after this copy operation, the project appears at a certain point from which I started my modifications and changes and they have all disappeared, I have lost all that progress, it has already happened to me twice, and I don’t understand what it does unreal If it takes and rebuilds the project for some reason, if it has to do with live coding, I don’t understand it.