[UE5.1] How to create a Slate brush so that it wont dereference an invalid pointer?

Hey, I have what I hope will be an easy question. In the following code I want to create a Slate brush to pass to a widget but although this code compiles I know that as soon as the function ends the brush will go out of scope and I will be dereferencing nullptr. How can I create this brush so that doesn’t happen and unreal manages the pointer?

UMaterialInstance* ArmorBase = Cast<UMaterialInstance>
ArmorStatusMaterial = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(ArmorBase, nullptr);
ArmorStatusMaterial->AddToRoot(); // Prevent the dynamic material being GC
FSlateMaterialBrush ArmorBrush = FSlateMaterialBrush(FVector2D(100, 100));

    + SOverlay::Slot().HAlign(HAlign_Fill).VAlign(VAlign_Fill)
    [ SNew(SImage).Image(&ArmorBrush) ]    

Store brush as a class member