UE5.0 Bug? Camera goes haywire repeatedly & Light(s) reset themselves to zero luminance

Just thought to throw this out there. Not looking for a solution since it appears to be an isolated incident with one file which I’m done with. But tomorrow’s another day and maybe it’ll happen again.

Had a very simple setup with the cam moving into the subject. Had it all set up in the sequencer with it keyed in. Replaying it in the sequencer showed me all was as I wished it to be.

Set up my Movie Render Queue and upon starting the render it’s all black. I go back into the scene and the camera’s where it shouldn’t be on a whole nother axis pointing down on what where my scene should have been.

Then I wonder why everything black and it’s because my lights would reset themselves to zero luminance. Nowhere at no time did I ever set them that way.

This happened repeatedly.

It’s crazy especially because it was a fresh new scene I created. No remnant settings at all.