No minidump found for this crash.
Please help me!I have to collapse:(
No minidump found for this crash.
Please help me!I have to collapse:(
check logs in Saved/Logs in your project directory, crash info should be at end
Which version of engine is this? What were you doing when it crashed? Does it crash consistently? Does a project crash, or does engine crash before you can select a project to open? Are there any other details you might be able to provide?
It looks like you didn’t hit Send when this crash occurred. Please recreate crash and hit Send in Crash Reporter window with as many details as you have to reproduce crash. Please also and attach log in your project’s Saved\Logs folder if this crashes from a project. Thanks!
We haven’t heard back from you yet, so I’m resolving this post for tracking purposes. If you’re still getting this crash, please feel free to respond with information we requested above and we can continue investigating. Thanks!