I’m actually working for a fan animated project, recently left SFM for the UE4.
Since I want to smooth my workflow by beeing able to do most of the animation work in the UE4 directly without beign forced to spend most of my time to export/import animation data from 3rd party software, I’m currently in the process to rerig most of my models asset to the default UE4 skeleton to be able to use both some of the animation on the marketplace and the new control rig systeme and it’s with this control rig systeme that I currently have an issue.
I have stricky followed the tutorial in this link 4.16 preview Control Rig Sequence feedback - Feedback for Unreal Engine team - Unreal Engine Forums but I absolutely don’t understand why I have that Bloodborn monster result since the model has been reriged with the default Epic SK_Mannequin.
PS: if this is an important info to understand from where come this issue, yes the animation retargeting work perfectly on its side.
EDIT: I’ve try the “Allright Rig” plugin solution, work like a charm so problem technicaly solved, but I would still would like to know what is the issue with the UE4 control rig.