UE4.5.1 crashes on editor launch (OSX Yosemite)

Branch: Binary
Build version: 4.5.1-2336687

Detailed description of the issue: Project can’t be opened anymore. Launch it out of the Unreal Editor Launcher and it crashes: Exception was "SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to access memory at address 0x76d"

Repro Steps

  • Create new Project (Blueprint-Empty)

  • add new Actor-Class

  • open Xcode (6.1)

  • compile in Xcode

  • Game works fine

  • its possible to close and open the project again.

  • Added some Code (only OnScreenDebugMessage)

  • Compile inside Editor → works fine, message is visible when i start the game

  • but when i close the project, i can’t open it anymore it always crashes.

System Specs: MacBookPro (15’’ late 2011), i7 2.5GHz, 8GB Ram, AMD Radeon HD 6770m, OSX Yosemite 10.10, Xcode 6.1

There is a similar issue reported here. Please check it out and share your experience on that post, so Epic can better track it and solve it faster.

I’m not sure if its the same problem… i don’t think so its an graphics issue.
I can launch the editor without problem, the problem comes after a while when I compile some code. after that i cant open the project anymore, the editor is not the problem but the project.


Can you provide information about the Actor class you are creating as well as a screenshot of the blueprint. Also could you provide the .h and .cpp files associated with the project?


Okay i found the problem… was in the end my fault.
I had some GEngine-code in the actor-constructor and didn’t check if its valid…
(which is both very wrong :D).
Found it out when i started the debug-editor out of Xcode.

Still learning, but anyway thanks!

Thanks for sharing your solution and keeping us udated.