UE_LOG not firing in the Process Audio method

Hi everyone,

I am fairly new to the Unreal Engine. Currently I creating a class that is inheriting from the SoundEffectSourcePreset class. Which came with the Init, initialize method, and the Process Audio, which states that this method is called on the Audio Thread.

When I place a UE_LOG in the Init method, compile, and test in the editor I see the Log I placed within the output window. Yay!

However when I place a UE_LOG within the Process Audio method, compile and test in the editor there is no log in the output window… I just see my Init.

Is it not possible to log from the audio thread?

Should I define a new category for my Log, currently I am using LogTemp?

What do you think?


// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include "MySoundEffectSourcePreset.h"

// Useful header for various DSP-related utility functions.
#include "DSP/Dsp.h"

void FMySoundEffectSourcePreset::Init(const FSoundEffectSourceInitData& InInitData)
	// Use InitData to setup DSP effects that depend on sample rate, etc.
	bIsActive = true;
	VolumeScale = 1.0f;
	NumChannels = InInitData.NumSourceChannels;

	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Init Num Channels %d"), NumChannels);


void FMySoundEffectSourcePreset::OnPresetChanged()
	// Macro to retrieve the current settings value of the parent preset asset.

	// Update the instance's variables based on the settings values. 
	// Note that Settings variable was created by the GET_EFFECT_SETTINGS macro.
	VolumeScale = Audio::ConvertToLinear(Settings.VolumeAttenuationDb);

void FMySoundEffectSourcePreset::ProcessAudio(const FSoundEffectSourceInputData& InData, float* OutAudioBufferData)

	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Number of Channels %f"), 5.0f); //*InData.InputSourceEffectBufferPtr);

	// Use the volume scale value to scale the input audio frame data.
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < InData.NumSamples; ++Index)
		OutAudioBufferData[Index] = VolumeScale * InData.InputSourceEffectBufferPtr[Index];

void UMySoundEffectSourcePresetPreset::SetSettings(const FMySoundEffectSourcePresetSettings& InSettings)
	// Performs necessary broadcast to effect instances