UE-70294: Billboard screen space scaling

I’d like to add something to the Billboard Scree Scaling Issue with Target Fix for 4.25 ( Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-70294) ).

Though I’m considering this working as designed as of this moment. The screen scaling presently ‘works’ when you have a negative number as suggested in the issue AND your camera is in “Perspective” view mode.
“Orthographic” view mode only takes into account the scale of the billboard component regardless of the screen scaling being checked (and negative number).

I can see this making sense as is but wanted to mention it.
Wanted to inform and add that to the issue. I was hoping it would have been easier to add directly to where the issue was seen here ( Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-70294) )



For the time being, looks like Material Billboard has it resolved just have to make it into a material and add curves for Opacity and/or Size (though not necessarily).

Related but separate functionality.
Again I am using Orthographic view but when I “Deproject the world space to the screen” of an actor location. The 2D space doesn’t seem to match the orthographic view. I suspect it may be doing something with perspective… since as I move the orthographic camera further away from the object, the objects location on the screen becomes offset more and more when not facing directly downward.

Could be more a feature instead of a bug. At the moment I’m considering manual adjustments to make it work - as well as automated adjustments to get it to more accurately relate the world position to my screen from an orthographic view.

Wanted to add what I found here. Best.