I just built the UE4 source for the first time and got 2 compile errors that have me scratching my head. I’m kind of a noob and would greatly appreciate some assistance. The first error says:
“error code: -1073741515 C:\Users\Garrett\Documents\GitHub\UnrealEngine\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\Error”
the second:
“error MSB3073: The command “…\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat UE4Editor Win64 Development” exited with code -1. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 38”
my building environment is Win7 64 bit in VS2013 professional
this is my first time building an open source engine from github, like I said, I’m kind of a noob and I would love some help.
- Garrett