[Twitch] - June 19, 2014

Yes but there is a difference. You can cancel your subscription and still keep using the UE4 but you can’t use the modeler afaik.

No everyone can be as cool as Epic Games :wink: . They didn’t mention what the price is if you want to straight out buy for UE4?(not subscription).

Didn’t they say during the stream we could order early for the sub?

I think it was $499 to buy for Games outright. This works out to be the equivalent of 26 months of subscription.

He specifically said $15k in the video, around 18 minutes in… no?

Which video are you referring to? There was a lot of talk in the chat about an outright purchase cost of the modeller being $499. I mentioned " for games" above, but really I meant the modeller. It would be great if this could be cleared up.

So as far as i know the ue4 modeler is 19 bucks per seat per month that only gets you the ability to model and edit trees/whatever you can make. You get the ability to use assets for free in ue4 4.3.

The for games is 15,000 per title per platform as of right now.

Seems to me you could sub for a month, use the modeller to churn out all the trees you can make, unsub and then use the trees forever? That sounds really generous.

To clear up for people who seam a bit confused here are the bullet points of what was stated in the stream:

  • $19 per month for the Modeler which allows you to create your own foliage.

  • support will be integrated in the 4.3 update as part of your UE4 subscription and you can just buy models from and use them in UE4 - From what I’ve seen they run around $50 each (seasonal variations, lods, texture maps, etc included) but there is going to be a UE4 section of models available on their site soon which may have different pricing.

  • Once you cancel your subscription you can keep whatever you made but you can not use the modeler again until you re-subscribe - You also get modeler updates with your subscription just like UE4.

  • The assets are imported into UE4 as static meshes along with their texture maps and are utilized in-engine as static meshes.

Thanks, ! I’m pretty excited.

I missed the Twitch stream though and didn’t ask this question in time, so perhaps someone who saw it can say if it’s able to be answered? I notice that for Unity claims support for wind and dynamics. Will for UE do the same? Will it export joints to use with the staticmesh output or something?

As far as I can tell the animation is in the shader. You will have a special node that plugs into the World Position Offset called “”. They are not using the pivot painter system and they are not using joints.

$49,00 for each plant…
if the subscription will give me the possibility to purchase the models in the library at a decent price I will subscribe.
with $19,00 monthly I want 100 plants included.

The point of the subscription is to make your own plants, if you just want to buy plants then you don’t need to subscribe and $50 for a plant model with seasonal variations, LODs and texture maps is very inexpensive.

Official clarification by IDV:


Another question: If I create some trees with the modeler using my own assets (textures, etc) can I sell this trees by myself?

YouTube link to yesterday’s stream: ?v=M0RrdZmYoNM&feature=share&list=PLZlv_N0_O1gbggHiwNP2JBXGeD2h12tbB
It won’t let me shorten the url, sorry so long. :stuck_out_tongue:

only a botanical engineer can create a tree from scratch. I don’t know anything how to model a real tree or a palm or a cactus.
I hope that some basic trees will be included and a lot of tutorial videos…


You don’t actually manually model the tree using the modeler… That’s the whole point of having the modeler, it’s a seed based procedural modeler, you give it parameters and it creates vegetation within them, you can also ‘draw’ vegetation by dragging which is also confined by the parameters you set.

Or if you want to be really hands off you can just generate random seeds within vegetation species parameters - You may want to watch a video demo of the modeler to see what it actually does.

Has the thread been deleted?

It could be that the thread has been deleted during the forum outage: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?10781-UE-Forums-Outage-Data-Loss-Incident-Today