Hi. I have been using the twin stick shooter template. I am testing in mobile preview and I am trying to get it to shoot in the direction that the ship is facing. I am having no luck and it is only shooting in the direction in which I hold the right thumb-stick. Can anyone shed any light on this for me?
Get ships MESH forward vector (depending on how its created it may be right vector, or one of them negated).
You may need to zero Z value of that vector (for this multiply it by 1,1,0 vector)
Use that forward vector as direction where you shoot.
Also i do not recommend starting your first project off template. Use template as example how things are done, but create your own project from empty one.
You will learn all that faster with less confusion on the way. Epic folks in few points could not resist doing nice (well done) blueprints over simplest possible version.
Those templates are meant to speed up initial setup for game and to be learning examples, but initial template requires nice and flexible functionality,
while learning example should be simple and focused on single aspect. Result is that templates are not best examples for simple things.
They and content examples use for eg. blueprint communication that are hard to grasp when you did not learnt yet what are and how references work, and what that whole casting thing is. You will get dispatchers and interfaces right in the face, when you should learn basics first.
Thank you for you help. I will take into consideration what you said. I am only really trying out a prototype of the gameplay mechanics using the twinstickshooter. I have my other file, which I will then use for my game.