Trying to get a multiplier to work for my character

I’m trying to get a multiplier to work for my character, so when I kill an enemy, it will times the score by 2, which works fine. I’m having issues with reseting the multiplier after not killing an enemy for a period of time, say 5 seconds.

What I want it to do :

  • When an enemy is killed, start the timer.
  • if the timer reaches 5 seconds then set mutliplier to 0. (I know this part works)
  • But if you kill another enemy before 5 seconds then I want to reset the timer back to 0 seconds and begin counting again.

here for my current blueprints :

This is where I’m having issues, to explain what happens, at the start of the game the boolean enemy death is set to false, at every event tick (Which I think is incorrect) it will check to see if enemy death is true or false, if true then an enemy has been destroyed and this should set off the timer that I made (0 - 5 seconds). If the timer reaches 5 seconds then it will reset the multiplier to 0 but if you kill another enemy before 5 seconds I want to reset the timer and count to 5 seconds again and then repeat the process.

This screenshot shows how the death to the enemy is done, simple really, when the the hit points = 0, then the IF statement will make it true.

Please make as many changes as necessary, I know event begin and tick is wrong but i’m not sure what to replace it with, this is my first time dealing with timers as well, which makes me lost.

Try to use a retriggerable delay. You start it on event “enemy killed” then you set your multiplier to 0. Each time you kill an enemy delay will be reset to 5. And if delay is done then multiplier is reset.