Trying to drag border with cursor

Hello, I have a problem. I’m trying to make it where the border on my widget changes position to where my cursor/mouse is moving. If you don’t understand what I mean, An example of what I’m saying is on Windows you are able to drag the application that you have open like file explorer, or a game, and I want to be able to replicate that with my widget. Thanks for any help

Are you trying to drag widgets or change window size? It’s unclear from the description.

Dragging can be done like so:

And if you wanted to isolate an area where dragging is possible (the window header / handle), you’d need another user widget control it and have the drag affect the parent instead. Or manually play with the local offset - as in decide what returns True | Handled during Mouse Down.

For expanding / resizing a window, it’d be somewhat similar; but rather than shifting the position, you’d alter the size of the slot a canvas creates for its child. Again, you’d need to implement another widget that serves as the border or, alternatively, mathematically calculate what counts as a border using local geometries.

While moving a widget around is rather straightforward (as seen in the linked post), resizing them reliably and responsively is somewhat of a challenge.