Triplanar mapping for skeletal meshes and nanite tesselation

SO, ever since material tesselation is back, I´ve been trying to make it work for our master material.
We use triplanar mapping for most of our assets with lots of procedural shading.
I bought a triplanar function that also works with skeletal meshes, which we also need heavily, that makes triplanar “sticky” for those.
I know tesselation doesn´t yet work with skeletal meshes (not properly at least afaik), but I want our master material to be future proof and have it work for either skeletal or static meshes.

Unfortunately, enabling nanite tesselation breaks the triplanar function, as far as I was able to troubleshoot it doesn´t play well with the preskinned position nodes or something similar.

I wasn´t really able to fix this, I was either making tesselation work or proper triplanar mapping or stickiness, couldn´t make it all work together.

Might still be a limitation right now and maybe its getting adressed with the skeletal nanite tesselation, but I´d love any input on this.

Here is the video the triplanar asset is coming from: