Hello, I am here to inquire about a task. I am fairly new to UE and I am working on a project that uses AI. I am attempting to trigger an AI’s movement using an AI controller and a trigger attached to my character. I have found a solution using overlapping but it seems to operate immediately and not when the trigger box is overlapped. Help…please!?
what do you mean by “Operate immediately” do you mean as soon as the play session starts, or when your character gets kind of close, but should be closer for it to happen.
the former would be a casting issue or colliding/overlapping with too many things, and the latter could be a misjudging of collider size.
So if i understand you correctly, you want your character to hit a collision box and the AI to react when that collision happens?
Is that correct? It will probably be easier to help if you show what you have done already.