Translucent materials are Black and Pink on Mac


I got some issues with my translucent materials on MacOs devices, this issues appears on packaged builds and sometimes in Play In Editor (But usually, in PIE works fine, except the atmospheric fog that is always black without opacity).

The translucent area appears to be black or pink, depend on the level that I’m on, also, it happens the same thing with the Atmospheric fog of Unreal

Some examples (left the image from windows, right the image from Mac)

Lobby Level:

InGame Level 1:

InGame Level 2 (with Atmospheric fog):

(On that level, if I use the shield that was pink on the last screenshot, it is completely black now)

I tried changing the r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim (that solved some similar issues on PS4 builds) but without any luck

That happens with all my translucent materials and particles, any thoughts? Thx in advance