I’ve recently moved over from unity after the recent events. After watching tutorials and reading around, I’m starting by porting over my RPG game.
In unity I would use a function called “Animator.CrossFade” that let you cross fade between the current animation and the next, smoothly. This was useful for me, since it meant I didn’t have to create a transition between every possible melee combo and it also let me do a bunch of cool stuff from the code that would otherwise be a mess and pain from the state machine.
But so far in UE5 I can’t seem to find an equivalent, I have come across “USkeletalMeshComponent::PlayAnimation” but this doesn’t seem to let me control the transition data, how long the transition is, the offset in which it should start playing etc.
I’m probably just missing something, but is there a similar way to transition to an animation by code? whilst having control over the transition duration, offset etc.
Thanks !
Just to clarify, the main reason I’m trying to do this is because I want my attack combos to be changeable by the player at runtime (as in the order of attacks, etc) which is a feature of my game, in unity this was the only way I could come up with to solve the issue, if there’s an alternative or better way to solve it in Unreal, please let me know!