Timespan Reset or repeat

So i am having an issue with the time span node. I want the days to reset to 1 once it passes 30 days. I have tried just setting it to 1 with a branch after it hits 30 days but that doesn’t work. I assume this is because as far as I can deduce the time span is making use of Delta Seconds which just continuously counts up and cant be changed. So what happens is that the time span hits 31 days, goes down the branch sets the day to 1, then when it comes back around the time span recalculates its values based off the delta seconds and puts it to 32 days and so on and so forth.

Is there a way to make it start over at day 30 setting it to day 1 or will I need to use a different for tracking time?

Hi AndracoDragons,

Do you need the TimeSpan to be correct or could you just manipulate the result?


If I understand your question correctly I need it to be correct. I will also be adding months to it that are 30 days long, so once the value for days hits 31 I would like it to go back to 1.

Yes this should work:


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Fantastic I’ll go try it out now

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It worked! I really appreciate it I have been working on this since yesterday evening. Now i just have to get it to start at 1 instead of 0 and I’ll be set. Thank you for your help.

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