I have logic that sets values for global animation rates. I just compare the past rotation value with the current one and write this difference into a separate variable and already work with this variable, but I noticed a strong difference of 30, 60, 120 fps. The value gets smaller with increasing frames. I know that Delta Second is used for such cases, but it also decreases the values with increasing frames. I tried to get an inverted value from the delta second through the map clamp, but this is very crutch and I still get a not ideal value for myself.
Has anyone come across a similar one? Your help is very necessary.
Hi, velocity is change per time
Currently you only compute the change (how much the yaw angle has changed) but you do not take the time into account. That means you need to divide it by the DeltaSeconds, then you get the velocity which is frame rate independent. So (LastYaw - CurrentYaw)/DeltaSeconds
OMG it works, I would not even have guessed that the delta value can also be divided. My math is bad. Thank you very much.